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WPCA Minutes, Regular Meeting 5/6/08


Members Present:        Joe Carino, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick, Michael Patitucci, and
        Ed Havens Jr.

Members Absent: Richard Aries, and Frank Ferrero

Alternates Present:     Thomas Deming sitting in for Richard Aries
        Richard Siedman sitting in for Frank Ferrero

Alternates Absent:      None

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the May 6, 2008 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.


1.      April 1, 2008 - Regular Meeting

The minutes of April 1, 2008 were modified as follows:

On page 2, Item 2 "Zagorski/Shea Interior Lot, 1576 Main Street (Approval to connect) - 1st paragraph, 1st sentence which reads as follows "Mr. Shaw reported, for the record, that this is another property out the Town sewer service area and…"  Change the phrase "out the Town" to "out of the Town".  Therefore, the sentence should read as follows: Mr. Shaw reported, for the records, that this is another property out of the Town sewer service area and …"

On page 5, 2nd paragraph, 6 sentence which reads as follows: "Mr. Keith Yagaloff expressed that the Authority is wasting a lot of time in moving ahead with this project."  The suggestion was to clarify the project that Mr. Yagaloff is referring to.  Mr. Shaw specified that Mr. Yagaloff was referring to the Treatment Plant upgrade; this will be reflected on the April 1, 2008 minutes.

On page 5, 4th paragraph, 1 sentence which reads as follows: "Mrs. Joan Walsh, Town resident for 47 years expressed her concern as to why if it was approved to move forward with this project in 2002, how come the Town…"  It was also suggested to clarify the project that Mrs. Walsh is referring to on the April 1, 2008 minutes.  With no further corrections, the Authority moved to approve the minutes as follows:

Motion to approve the minutes of April 1, 2008 Regular Meeting as amended.

The motion was made by Mr. Siedman
Seconded by Mrs. Fletterick
Mr. Dickinson abstained
The motion carried unanimously


1.      Set User Charge Rate for FY2008/2009 (approval)

Along with the Agenda a draft of the Sewer User Charge Rate for FY2008/2009 (see Exhibit A) was included for the Authority to review.  The proposed rate changes for the user charges represent a 15% increase based upon anticipated debt service for the treatment plant.

Mr. Siedman expressed his concern as to why the sewer rates are going up by 15% when the Town is asking a 5% increase.  He believes that 15% increase is an excessive amount because he cannot vote on something when he has never seen the budget or the financials on a monthly basis.  Answering questions from Mr. Siedman, Mr. Shaw explained that the WPCA budget increase is 5.8% for the operating budget, and the Authority is looking at the future cost not just the present cost.  In order to cover the anticipated, significant debt service costs for the future, the Authority needs to increase the sewer rates by 15%.  Mr. Shaw also responded that in comparison to other Towns such as Vernon, Manchester, and Ellington, the Town of South Windsor sewer rates are lower.  Mr. Siedman stated that he does not understand how the Authority can vote on something when they don't have the actual financials to review on a monthly basis; Mr. Siedman would like to look at the budget prior to voting on this matter.  Mr. Shaw responded that the financials are up to date but are done in an annual basis, not on a monthly basis and 20 years projections of revenue and expenditures are prepared and have serve on a basis for setting sewer rates.  These reports have been previously reviewed by the Authority.  Mr. Havens stated that he is confident in all the up to date information that Mr. Shaw has previously provided, and that he is willing to make a decision based on Mr. Shaw's recommendation without having to look again at the financials.  Therefore, Chairman Carino asked Mr. Shaw to send a copy to the Authority of the projection of revenues and expenditures for the current and future years.  The Authority is to review this information prior to the Public Hearing, and if should someone have a question or needs more information, please call Mr. Shaw to answer any questions.  Chairman Carino also explained that the Authority will go with a 15% proposed increase for the purposes of the Public Hearing.  At the Regular meeting, the Authority can choose to adopt the 15% increase or lower the increase.  

Mr. Shaw also reported that the assessment fees are increased based upon the changing value of the dollar; therefore, he is proposing an increase of 5%.

Motion was made to present for purposes of a public hearing the proposed increase rate of assessment schedule and increase in the rate of user charges by 15% as recommended by Mr. Shaw (see Exhibit A.)

Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Deming
Mr. Siedman abstained from this vote
The motion carried unanimously

2.      Set date for Public Hearing for establishing new User Charges

Motion to schedule the WPCA Public Hearing on June 3, 2008 at 6:30 pm to establish the new User Charges.

Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

3.      Commercial Billing Adjustments

Mr. Shaw distributed a matrix that shows the calculations for the commercial billing adjustments (see Exhibit B.)  He reported that after billing the commercial users served by the MDC, it was discovered that they were overcharged.  He explained that water consumptions are reported by CT Water Company and the MDC in different units.  The CT Water Company sends them in terms of thousands of gallons; the MDC sends it in terms of units of hundreds of cubic feet.  In the past, the old computer system had an automatic formula in the system to convert the hundreds of cubic feet into gallons.  Apparently, the new system does not have that feature, so the conversion needs to be done manually and it was not done.  In this case, there are a number of customers that will need to be refunded the amount of overpayment.  The cause for this error was discussed with the IT Department so as to ensure that the error will not be repeated.

Motion to accept the adjustment of the commercial billing because of the error in the method of converting water consumption figures from units of hundreds of cubic feet to gallons (see Exhibit B.)

Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Patitucci
The motion carried unanimously

Mr. Shaw distributed a Memorandum to the Authority (see Exhibit C) requesting Commercial User Charge Adjustments for the following addresses: 959 Sullivan Avenue, 1019 Strong Road, and 60 Deming Street.  In regards to 959 Sullivan Avenue, account number 350640, Mr. Shaw explained that he made a mistake in entering figures for one of the units on that property; he used the street number rather than the amount of gallons.  It should have been 621,000 not 1,536,000 gallons.  The user fees will be adjusted from $4,360.68 to $1,762.84.

In regards to 1019 Strong Road (Account No.: 315520), the computer system for some reason doubled the full figure.  They should have been charged $264.00 not $528.

Mr. Shaw reported that 60 Deming Street is a daycare center on Deming Street which has converted from residential to commercial about two years ago.  Mr. Shaw was unaware of this change, until it appeared in the Water Company report.  Apparently, they recently connected to the CT Water Company.  The Town has billed them for the water consumption reported by the water company.  They have already paid last fall for the residential use.  Therefore, Mr. Shaw is requesting approval from the Authority to remove this property from the residential billing list.

Motion to accept the Commercial User Charge Adjustment FY 2007/2008 for the following addresses: 959 Sullivan Avenue and 1019 Strong Road; motion to remove 60 Deming Street from the residential billing list (See Exhibit C.)

Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Patitucci
The motion carried unanimously

4.      10 Bidwell Road (Approval to use private water meter for sewer user billing purposes)

Motion to approve the use of a private meter at 10 Bidwell Road, for the purposes of measuring water that is used for the lawn sprinkler system; and will be effective May 6, 2008.

Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously

Mr. Siedman read the letter from 350 Chapel Road (see Exhibit F) to the Authority.  This property is requesting approval to use a previously installed meter for the ice maker machine and to install one meter for the lawn sprinkler system.

Motion to add to the Agenda, Item C5-350 Chapel Road (Approval to use private water meter for sewer user billing purposes.)

Motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mrs. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

5.      350 Chapel Road (Approval to use private water meter for sewer user billing purposes)

Motion to accept the use of two meters at 350 Chapel Road, for the purposes of measuring water that doesn't go into the sewer system.

Motion was made by Mr. Siedman
Seconded by Mr. Havens, Jr.

A discussion ensued regarding the two types of meters installed, the motion failed.

Motion to accept the use of two meters at 350 Chapel Road: one for the ice maker machine and one for the lawn sprinkler system for the purposes of measuring water that doesn't goes into the sewer system.

Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

Motion to go back to Item G - Unfinished Business.

Motion was made by Mr. Carino
Seconded by Mr. Siedman
The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Shaw distributed a copy of the letter sent by Mr. Bill Hogan of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) - see Exhibit D.  In this letter, Mr. Hogan is suggesting the Town to proceed with the process of seeking the appropriation of funds for the construction prior to receiving plans and specification approval for the project; and that DEP review comments will not significantly alter the cost to the Town.  He also suggests the Town to use the CDM estimates and just increase the contingency by 5%.  Mr. Shaw explained that he reviewed this letter with the Town Manager and other staff members; however, this is a decision for the Authority and the Town Council to make.

Mr. Shaw reported on the reconstruction of Lawrence Road.  He explained that apparently the Public Works Department will not receive their funding for the Lawrence Road improvements.  As mentioned in previous meetings, this was going to be a joint effort between the Authority and the Department of Public Works.  Mr. Shaw does not know what the actual cost will be if the Authority moves forward with the sewer project, but there will be an anticipated additional cost for the permanent patch.  He suggested continuing forward with the project, have the Engineering complete their design phase, and go out for bid to find out what the price will be.  The Authority will still have the option to go back to the Capital Reserve Fund.

Mr. Dickinson reported that from his point of view the Authority only went forward with this project because the Public Works Department was going to reconstruct the road.  That was the only reason why he supported this decision.  In response, Chairman Carino stated that this was not the only reason.  He explained that the Authority looked back at the complaints from Lawrence Road residents regarding the problems that they were encountering on their back yards.  The Authority decided to aliviate these problems by joining the Department of Public Works in this project.

Motion to continue with the project on installing sewers on Lawrence Road with the understanding that it will be independent of the road reconstruction.

Motion was made by Mr. Deming
Motion was seconded by Mr. Siedman

A discussion followed, and Mr. Siedman stated that since the formal approval of the budget has not taken place yet, then the Authority should wait until to make a decision.  Chairman Carino suggested moving forward with the approval of installing sewers on Lawrence Road independently of the road reconstruction.

The motion carried unanimously

Mr. Shaw also reported on Clark Street.  He explained that the Town staff discovered two houses on Clark Street that were both connected to the storm drainage system.  This was done about three years ago.  Mr. Shaw contacted the two contractors but they were not able or willing to respond immediately.  This is a public health issue, so these two houses were reconnected to the sewer system by the Town.  The liability will be reviewed with the Town Attorney when all the facts surrounding these installations have been collected.

Mr. Shaw also reported on two companies in Town that have requested to be considered to use a water meter to identify the amount of water that goes into their lawn sprinkler system.  The first one is 10 Bidwell Road (see Exhibit E.)  Mr. Shaw reported that the property has a lawn sprinkler system that was installed by the previous owners.  The new owners were unaware of the Town's policy that the business needs to provide a report with their meter readings to obtain a credit.  Therefore, the property owner is asking the Town to consider reducing the current bill; and approval to use the private meter.  Chairman Carino stated that they can't reduce the current bill because a meter reading is necessary.  Therefore, he suggested approving only the use of the meter for the sprinkler system effective now.

Motion to add to the Agenda, Item C-4 - 10 Bidwell Road (Approval to use private water meter for sewer user billing purposes.)

Motion was made by Mr. Carino
The motion carried unanimously

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)



1.      1333 and 1343 Sullivan Avenue - Sewer Connection

Mr. Shaw reported that he has not received the Town Attorney's comments on this particular subject in regards to the easement agreement between the two property owners.  Answering the question from Chairman Carino, Mr. Shaw stated that he will leave this item under Unfinished Business.

2.      MDC Alternative to Treatment Plant Upgrade (Discussion)

A lengthy discussion ensued in regards to the MDC Alternative.  Chairman Carino explained to the Authority that there were Town Council members in attendance at the last WPCA meeting and they explained their concerns; they are looking to know exactly how much the sewer user bill will be, as a Town property owner, if the Town goes with the improvements of the Treatment Plant vs. joining MDC.  Chairman Carino suggested Mr. Shaw to make a comparison that would show a curve labeling the individual property owners expenses for every bond for 20 years or for 30 years.

Mr. Shaw explained that the reality is that the Town Council members that attended the WPCA meeting came in with numbers that were wrong.  Mr. Shaw and the Town Manager went to the MDC staff and reviewed with them the process by which the Town may become involved with them; the MDC was unable to provide any numbers.

Also, a discussion ensued regarding the nitrogen credits.  Mr. Siedman asked as to why the Town doesn't pay for nitrogen credits.  Answering Mr. Siedman's question, Mr. Shaw explained that the Town currently pays for nitrogen credits and will pay for a smaller amount of nitrogen credits even after the Plant has been upgraded.  The plant needs to be upgraded regardless of nitrogen credits.  Presently, the Treatment Plant is not designed to reduce nitrogen.  Based upon the 2002 estimates, it would cost the Town $6 million to install the Denite Filter to further remove nitrogen from year to year and would not be cost effective.  The Town has two choices, either to pay the share of the nitrogen reduction or upgrade the plant and pay someone else for their reserved capacity to treat nitrogen.



Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.

The motion was made by Mr. Deming
Seconded by Mr. Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Date Approved: June 3, 2008